The LiveWell Peer Health Educators are current undergraduate and graduate students at UW-Seattle who facilitate peer-to-peer dialogue and learning on a variety of health and wellness topics aimed at promoting life-long behaviors that support health, self-growth, and meaningful connection. PHEs receive in-depth training and work closely with LiveWell staff as they grow their competencies and skills in health promotion and prevention work.
The workshops that Peer Health Educators facilitate are interactive, engaging, and meant to promote learning and dialogue amongst students in a peer-driven setting. Workshops can be requested for UW students by anyone- faculty, staff, students, registered student organizations, departments, etc.
PHEs are an essential component of health education and promotion in LiveWell and in the campus community, and often have the largest impact on improving the health and well-being of students by working in partnership with other students and organizations. We facilitate workshops, organize awareness campaigns, and host events aimed at developing life-long behaviors for health and well-being.
If you are interested in becoming a Peer Health Educator, please follow us on social media @uwlivewell to be alerted of our next hiring cycle.
EDUCATIONAL WORKSHOPS are available on a wide-range of topics from emotional-mental health, to AOD risk reduction, to bystander intervention. Click HERE for a full list and to request a workshop.
Questions can be directed to the Peer Health Education Program Manager at
Please visit the LiveWell website for the most recent updates and announcements.